Root Canal

What is a Root Canal?

When the nerve of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected, patients can sometimes experience severe pain or swelling and root canal treatment or tooth extraction is often required to stop the pain and resolve the infection.

For more complex root canal treatments, we may refer you out to a Specialist Endodontist (root canal treatment Specialist) who carries out all root canal treatments under microscope magnification.

We have the latest state of art 3D x-ray CBCT machine on-site which means that we know your tooth’s exact root canal anatomy 3 dimensionally before we start your treatment. The CBCT helps us to ensure that we do not miss any of your tooth’s root canals when we carry out your root canal treatment.

Root Canal Procedure

    1. We first anaesthetise the tooth fully so that the treatment is carried out comfortably. For those patients who are anxious about root canal treatment, we offer painless dental injections and IV sedation. These options allows patients to feel relaxed and stress-free throughout the treatment.
    2. The tooth is then isolated with a sheet of rubber dam to ensure that the area is kept as sterile as possible. This will also ensure new bacteria contamination of the tooth is avoided. Wearing a rubber dam will feel strange at first but most patients find wearing one for the duration of the treatment easy and reassuring.
    3. A Dental Operating Microscope is used to magnify the root canals. This helps us locate all the canals within your tooth. The canals are then cleaned using modern flexible titanium rotary files. This minimises the chance of fracture and reduces the risk of cross infection.
    4. We thoroughly clean the canals with powerful disinfectants to destroy the bacteria colonies within the tooth.
    5. Finally the root canals are filled with a rubber root canal filling material to prevent reinfection of the tooth. The tooth is then filled with a white filling core material. Sometimes, patients will be advised to have a dental crown soon after treatment to prevent tooth fracture or bacterial leakage.

You may experience some post-operative discomfort for a couple of days which usually settles down with pain killers. The root canal success rate is around 80% over 4 years. It is important to note that root treated teeth may discolour, however once they are crowned or internally tooth whitened the tooth discolouration will not be seen.

Root Canal FAQ

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat an infection or damage deep inside a tooth. It involves removing the infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth to relieve pain and save the tooth.

When is a Root Canal needed?

A Root Canal procedure is needed when you have tooth decay that has reached the pulp in your tooth. Your tooth may have experienced trauma or injury that has damaged the pulp or when Infection or inflammation of the pulp has occured (pulpitis). Root Canals may also be necessary due to recurrent dental procedures on the tooth, leading to pulp damage.

Does a Root Canal hurt?

You won’t feel any pain during the root canal procedure, thanks to the local anaesthetic that our dentists use. The pain associated with root canal treatments comes from the tooth itself before you get it treated. In general, removing the infection removes the pain.

What are the benefits of Root Canal?

The main Benefits of Root Canal Treatment are:

  • Relieves pain and discomfort caused by tooth infection or damage.
  • Saves the natural tooth, preventing the need for extraction.
  • Restores normal chewing and biting function.
  • Helps maintain overall oral health and prevents further complications.