Dentistry For Children

Dietary advice to improve your child's oral health

● Choose healthy snacks and drinks between meals such as whole fruits and limit sweets, chocolate, biscuits, probiotic and yogurt drinks, and sugary drinks to mealtimes only.
● Unflavoured milk and water are the best drinks. Milk will aid muscle recovery after exercise. Avoid high sugar sports drinks.
● Limit pure fruit juice or fruit smoothies to a small glass once a day, with a meal and always choose unsweetened.
● Read food labels for sugar content. Less than 5g per 100g is low sugar.
● Regular intake of carbonated drinks, including sparkling water, can lead to enamel
erosion of the teeth and should be avoided.

Dental guidelines for children's oral health

Ages 0-2 Years:
● Rub your baby’s gums with a clean damp cloth after feeding times.
● Begin brushing as soon as the baby's first tooth emerges.
● Use a soft toothbrush and water; avoid toothpaste during this stage, unless advised by your dentist.
● Regular cleaning helps prevent tooth decay.

Ages 2-7 Years:
● Introduce a small pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste once the child reaches 2 years old.
● Supervise and assist them during brushing, especially at night and another time during the day.
● Avoid rinsing after brushing; just spit out excess toothpaste.
● Ensure they do not ingest any toothpaste.
● Encourage 2-3 minutes of brushing time.
● Consider playing a favourite song or using an egg timer to help them brush for the
recommended duration.

Ages 8-12 Years:
● Use a fluoride toothpaste.
● Encourage brushing at least twice a day, especially after meals.
● Emphasize proper brushing technique, including reaching all tooth surfaces and
along the gumline.
● Encourage the use of dental floss or interdental brushes to clean between teeth
● Supervise brushing to ensure thoroughness.
● Limit sugary snacks and beverages that can contribute to tooth decay.
● Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings with a dentist.

Dietary guidelines for teenage oral health

Ages 13-17 Years:
● Continue using fluoride toothpaste for effective cavity prevention.
● Brush teeth at least twice daily, ideally after every meal, to maintain oral hygiene.
● Ensure thorough brushing, covering all tooth surfaces and the gumline.
● Regular flossing or use of interdental brushes is crucial for cleaning between teeth
and preventing plaque buildup.
● Mouthwash can be used as an additional step for oral hygiene, if desired.
● Limit consumption of sugary snacks and beverages to reduce the risk of tooth
● Attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings to monitor oral health and address
any issues promptly.
● Discuss any orthodontic concerns with a dentist or orthodontist if necessary for
optimal dental alignment and function.

Children's Tooth Brushing Technique

Fissure Sealants Explained

Children's Tooth Brushing Technique

Fissure Sealants Explained

Fissure Sealants

What are fissure sealants?
Fissure sealants are a very simple way to protect your children’s teeth from tooth decay. They are recommended from about the age of 6, as soon as permanent molars and permanent premolars erupt.
It is a plastic coating which flows into and fills the little grooves on the tooth surface of the back adult teeth where it hardens and protects. Most tooth decay in children occurs in the back teeth as they are the more difficult areas to reach when toothbrushing.
No needles or drilling is required which helps provide a positive dental experience for the child.
Once placed it is still important that they brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, having the sealants will make their tooth surfaces much easier to keep clean.

How is a fissure sealant applied?

It is very simple to apply. It can be done by the dentist or the hygienist and only takes a couple of minutes per tooth. The tooth will be cleaned and prepared with a special gel, then the tooth is dried with some air and the sealant is applied which sets hard on the tooth with a special light.

How long do they last?

They can last for many years. Your dentist or hygienist at JME Dental will check them at each check-up visit. They can wear down over time so they can be added to or replaced if required.