Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Fillings are used to fill cavities (holes) that have formed, usually as a result of decay or tooth wear. The decayed and weakened parts of the tooth are removed and the cavity is cleaned out.

Filling is then inserted to restore the tooth to its original state and strengthen it. We use all types of fillings from basic silver (amalgam) and white (composite) to reinforced porcelain (tooth coloured) and gold. We recommend the porcelain fillings as they will be virtually unnoticeable due to their natural tooth colour.

Mercury Free Dentistry

JME Dental, we also specialise in 'Mercury-Free Dentisty'. We offer our patients the option of replacing old mercury or gray fillings with porcelain (tooth coloured) fillings.

In some cases, where the filling is very large, the tooth may need a Crown or Cap (which are fully tax deductible). These provide additional support for the tooth and helps prevent fracture. These range from gold or silver full metal Crowns to tooth coloured Porcelains.

As with all of our treatments our focus is fully on achieving the best result and ensuring our customers have as comfortable a time as possible while they are with us.

Fillings FAQ

What is a Dental Filling?

A tooth filling is where material (such as porcelain inlay/onlay or composite) is inserted into a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its original shape and function. This can be either a dental inlay (fills centre of tooth) or onlay (more extensive than an inlay and can cover up to the entire biting surface of a tooth).

Fillings are most commonly used to prevent further damage to a tooth when decay is present. By removing the bacteria and closing the affected area off, no further tooth decay can occur.

Why do I need a Dental Filling?

The main reasons that you might need a filling are due to tooth decay causing cavities, or if a tooth is cracked or chipped. Due to your lifestyle or eating/ drinking habits your teeth may get worn down over time or small holes may develop. If these cavities are left untreated, they will cause further damage to your tooth and may ultimately result in a root canal. To avoid this situation, your dentist will plug the hole with a dental material, to ensure the tooth does not deteriorate further, or expose the tooth root.

Will it hurt to get a Dental Filling?

Simply put you will not feel anything during the dental filling procedure, because our dentist will completely numb your mouth so you don't feel any discomfort.

How do I know if I need a Dental Filling?

You need a filling if you have a cavity. Common signs of cavities are sensitive teeth, dark spots on a tooth, or a visible hole on your tooth. It can be hard to spot cavities on your own, which is why routine six-month dental visits are so important. Dentists can find cavities when they are still small, which makes them easier to treat with a filling.