PRSI Dental Benefits

PRSI Dental Benefits Explained

JME Dental is a registered provider of The Treatment Benefit Scheme, which entitles PRSI workers to claim a free oral examination once per year, in addition to a subsidised scale & polish (cleaning) for €15.

The Treatment Benefit Scheme is run by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. It provides dental, optical and aural services to insured workers, the self-employed and retired people who have the necessary number of social insurance PRSI contributions

To qualify, you must have paid class A, E, P, H or S social insurance (PRSI) contributions. The amount of social insurance you need depends on your age.

To check if you qualify for treatment please contact our friendly reception team in the Devon Park or Liosban Clinic. You will need to provide us with the following details, so we can check your entitlements:

  • Personal Public Service (PPS) Number
  • Date of birth